We rescue
some of the most traumatized children in Afghanistan

We rescue some of the most traumatized children in Afghanistan

Our Mission

We rescue some of the most traumatized children in Afghanistan and empower them to overcome their trauma through our Rayan Promise Program which provides higher quality of life, education and personal growth to overcome years of trauma. Over 60 children rescued! There are a further 150 more on our list. Please help us rescue them! Donate


Critical care Fund

Not all children who deserve to be rescued end up being rescued. In Afghanistan, even at the face of abuse and trauma it is difficult to legally rescue the children without voluntary participation of the guardians. Through our Critical Care Fund, we provide monetary incentives to guardians to allow Rayan Children to take over the children.

Rayan promise Program

RPR is our pilot project. It is the mainstay of Rayan Children’s pedagogical approach towards children’s well being. It is encapsulated by our motto:

  • Rescue
  • Heal
  • Grow


“I am excited to be connecting to Mustafa. Afghanistan has seen so much pain and suffering and being able to help in any way gives you great feeling”—- Rahul Kumar, Dublin, California

“Zahra is the cutest thing! She calls me Adana since she can’t say my English name properly. Since virtual connecting Zahra we have begun to appreciate life so much more. She has taught us so much about resilience and patience”—- Adriana and Khaibar, Bay Area, California

“Ayesha is amazing! For someone with so much traumatic past she still has so much life and hope in her. Connecting with her whenever I can is like therapy for me”—- Naseer, Pleasanton California